Oh Yes Net Zero

We are proud to sign up to this vital campaign for Hull to lead the way in driving down our carbon footprint and leading the way in becoming net zero for the UK. We hope all of our audiences and suppliers will join us in saying Oh Yes! Net Zero.  

From the early abolition of slavery to embracing the role of UK City of Culture 2017, Hull has led the UK before, and we will do it again. Oh Yes! Net Zero is a unique opportunity for everyone in the city region to come together once more and make a positive impact on the world around us. This time, we will do it by working together in the UK’s fight against the effects of climate change on our city and our region. There aren’t many cities that could do this but, with our industrial past, our natural assets and the commitment of our people and our organisations, we really can.  

Let’s face facts: climate change can’t be solved overnight, but we need to start somewhere and, if we all take small positive steps now through working together and supporting each other, we can really make a big difference together.  

To find out more, sign up to support the campaign and discover lots of tips and advice about to how to reduce your impact on the planet, visit www.ohyesnetzero.co.uk or sign up via social media @OhYesNetZero 

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