Our Building

Our modern building, which opened in 2009, was designed to be environmentally friendly and we have continued to make changes and additions to lower our carbon footprint, such as the installation of solar panels. More info on how our building minimises environmental impact includes:

  • The heating and cooling is controlled by a computerised Building Management System (BMS) which maximizes the efficiency of the building.
  • The building is cooled by water from a bore hole which is drawn from a spring 60 meters below the ground and the water is then pumped back once it has circulated the building.
  • We have almost completed a programme to replace all the building’s lighting to very latest LED lights (excluding specialist stage lighting).
  • We have 80 solar panels on the roof which on a clear day will power most of theatre’s lights (excluding specialist stage lighting).
  • All drinkware, cutlery and food boxes used on the bar are plant based and are biodegradable / composable.
  • We offer plant-based options on food at the bar and a plant-based ice cream option (plastic spoons and packaged is being phased out being replaced by cardboard and wood).

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