Hull Truck Theatre Take The Borrowers to Hull Care Home This Christmas

31 Dec 2024 | General News

On Wednesday 18 December 2024, Hull Truck Theatre attended Queensgate Care Home (HU3) to screen a live performance of The Borrowers to patients and residents this Christmas. The aim of the project was to open up access to theatre to those who for health reasons could not physically attend a performance. In advance of the screening, the theatre also visited the care home the week before to share costumes, props and present music from the show with a small afternoon performance.

On the day of the live screening, Hull Truck Theatre staff attended to create an experience as close as possible to seeing a live show. Patients and residents were given tickets at the start and tubs of ice cream in the interval to add to the experience of seeing the show.

Hull Truck Theatre work every day with and in the local community to better understand barriers for people attending theatre. By doing this they can look at ways to break down and remove those barriers to make Hull Truck Theatre accessible, inclusive and welcoming for all.

Charlotte Denston, Community Partnership Coordinator, at Hull Truck Theatre, said:

"The week prior to the screening, I visited Queensgate Care Home to give the residents a sneak peek and taster of what to expect from The Borrowers. They got to see the costume designs alongside the mood boards and the production trailer. Pianist, Aaron Green, and singer, Chloe Fenton, also joined the residents to play them some Christmas tunes in the style of 1940s swing music in keeping with The Borrowers.”

Going to the theatre to watch a Christmas show is a family tradition for many and Hull Truck Theatre are always looking at ways to make it accessible for everyone, especially for those who are more likely to experience isolation or loneliness. To tackle this, Every year the theatre sends out a recording of Hull Truck Theatre's Christmas production to care homes across East Yorkshire. This year they wanted to give a care home a shared uplifting experience for the residents and their families that is as close to a festive trip to the theatre as possible.

A video taken of the experience at Queensgate care home is available to watch now here -

The Borrowers is playing until Sat 4 Jan and tickets are still available to purchase via The Borrowers | HullTruckTheatre

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