Join Hull Truck Theatre and Other UK Theatres for a Playwrights Flashmob

25 Jun 2024 | General News

On Tuesday 2nd July between 11am and 2pm there is going to be a national Playwrights Flashmob. (We don’t sing and dance, we write and chat.)

Hosted by local playwrights Tom Wells (Big Big Sky, The Kitchen Sink) and Maureen Lennon (Guts! The Musical, Baby He Loves You), this will be a chance for local writers to feel inspired, to talk about what you are working on and cook up ideas for a better future.

Hull Truck Theatre are proud to be taking part in welcoming other playwrights to join them in using the theatre foyer spaces for small teams of playwrights (and other theatre artists) to come together and chat or simply work.

Tom Saunders, Associate Director, Hull Truck Theatre

“The Playwrights Flashmob is such a great idea that Hull Truck Theatre has jumped at the chance to be involved. Whilst often playwriting is a solitary endeavour, I have noticed that playwrights are amazing at championing and supporting each other’s work, especially in our city. So, if you are a playwright, please come down and join Maureen and Tom for the session. Bring your laptop, notebook or however you write and feel free to use to space to write or to chat to other writers. It’s an informal event so you can come at any time. I’m currently working on my new adaptation of Rapunzel for Christmas on our Godber Studio, so I will be there with my laptop.”

So, come along for a FREE tea or coffee and write in a creative atmosphere, knowing others are writing too. No booking required, just simply join us in the ground floor foyer of Hull Truck Theatre.


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