Support Us
Make this city a home for exciting stories, supportive community and inspiring creativity.
Telling stories is what makes us human. Theatre helps us make sense of ourselves and each other.
Since 2019, Hull has been identified as the fourth most underprivileged area nationally and as a charity our mission is to provide a hub to reduce the hardship of local people.
We rely on your generosity to create a supportive network of artists, schools and community groups and make unforgettable art accessible to everyone.
You make an investment is in broadening young people’s horizons, making opportunities for people to get creative in their local area and growing the next generation of artists our city can be proud to call our own.
You create a space for audiences to enjoy uplifting work on stage or spend quality time together as a family.
An enriching cultural life can make you see things differently, feel joyful, confident and connected with other people, and feel proud of this amazing city.
Be a part of making this a reality for Hull today.
Donate Now
Ways to Support
Make A Difference with an individual gift, or look at Spotlight to explore corporate partnerships
Hull Truck Theatre is a Registered Charity No. 269645.