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Hull Independent Cinema presents

The Stimming Pool (12A)

The Stimming Pool is a unique film exploring a world shaped by neurodiverse perspectives.

The narrative unfolds through an autistic camera, capturing diverse subjects navigating environments both challenging and comforting.

Characters, some concealing their autism, others thriving in their communities, share a common goal: finding a space free from societal norms—the Stimming Pool.

Relaxed & Descriptive Captions
Thu 17 July
Godber Studio, Hull Truck Theatre
HIC members £4
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The Stimming Pool is a unique film exploring a world shaped by neurodiverse perspectives.

The narrative unfolds through an autistic camera, capturing diverse subjects navigating environments both challenging and comforting.

Characters, some concealing their autism, others thriving in their communities, share a common goal: finding a space free from societal norms—the Stimming Pool.

Relaxed & Descriptive Captions

Event Details

Running Time: 1 hour 7 mins 

Age Rating: 12A (BBFC)

Language: English

Click here to download more information about the creation of The Stimming Pool (opens as PDF)

Content Warning: Contains flashing images (a brightly coloured animated sequence at the end of the film - approx 00:58:00 - 00:58:11), infrequent strong language, brief moderate violence, bloody images

Access: This screening has a relaxed attitude to noise and movement in the theatre space.

This film includes Descriptive Captions (HOH Subtitles / SDH). Descriptive captions refer to subtitles intended for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. They are also known as HOH (Hard of Hearing) subtitles or SDH (Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing).

"An experience in which our instinct to find the "story" is constantly challenged and the result is never frustrating thanks to its freshness." Vladan Petkovic, Cineuropa
"An engaging and illuminating hybrid documentary ... attractively and compassionately shot on 16mm film by Aftersun cinematographer Gregory Oke; the varied stories weave cleverly in and out of each other." Mark Adams, Business Doc Europe
"A super interesting, creative, funny film that deserves to be seen at least twice." Helle Hansen, Modern Times Review

Buy Tickets

Thu 17 July
Access: Relaxed & Descriptive Captions - This is a Relaxed Screening & Includes Descriptive Captions

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