Community Performers In Rehearsals For A Midsummer Night S Dream

First Thursday Theatre Club: Why Is That Funny?

Practical exploration of comedy writing.

This month, discover the Mechanics of what makes scenes funny. This will both be done practically and through group discussion; analysing text through practical exploration of scenes. In this we will be exploring scenes from playwrights such as Lydia Marchant, Richard Bean and John Godber.

Led by Hull Trucks Drama worker – Joe Beckett

Workshop Start: 10.30am
Workshop End: Approx 1.15pm

Thu 06 June
Inter@ct, Hull Truck Theatre

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Practical exploration of comedy writing.

This month, discover the Mechanics of what makes scenes funny. This will both be done practically and through group discussion; analysing text through practical exploration of scenes. In this we will be exploring scenes from playwrights such as Lydia Marchant, Richard Bean and John Godber.

Led by Hull Trucks Drama worker – Joe Beckett

Workshop Start: 10.30am
Workshop End: Approx 1.15pm

Buy Tickets

Thu 06 June

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